mercredi 15 juillet 2009

Une bonne adresse à visiter. En anglais. - Healthy Living With a Twist

Voici un site qui reprend beaucoup d'informations sur les bonnes pratiques en matière de comportement dits "durables".

J'aime beaucoup leur texte d'introduction dans lequel ils présentent leur concept:

It started like this. We looked around and noticed changes in the way people were living their lives. It seemed these changes were coming from a few sources: a growing awareness of the state of our planet to what foods we eat; an interest in yoga and inner peace to an exploration of alternative wellness ideas...but there was a central thread: healthy living.

We also noticed there wasn't a central place to connect all these interests. That's why we created LIME. Healthy living with a Twist.

At LIME, we built a place where you can find all the ideas, information and resources to inspire you to live healthier and help make our planet greener - and have some fun while you're at it.

Bon surf.

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